Phase 2 – The development of energetics toward a political program.
The concept of Prometheus III – Hydrogen and Fuel cell within the Renewable and Nuclear Energy Generation system of the coming future are intertwined with the Digital Economy infrastructure shaping the Framework of World Production.
Electric, gas, train and data networks are deemed to work together. Public management being needed since both natural monopoly and investment return horizon are beyond financial market return perspective.

From the hystory of energy we provide a new conceptulization of economic interests and infrastructure choices dynamics at stake. Namely, who will own main energy generation plants, the electric, gas, rail, data and cloud centrers and data cables? And who will decide about it? It is of paramunt importance and European Commission, United Nations and other international organisations should play an active role in it.
The management of the energy means hot we heat, move, transform valuable output. Is there a need for Hydrogen? And how much and where? This is a matter of understanding the Electron Circundrome. Whereas the implementation of cpillary data centres, their power and their control, including personal people information, tastes, choices and weaknesses should be (and at which degree) stay in the hands in the hands of the public, to protect private citizen economics and imaginary.